Reading Time: 3 mins Have you ever had moments you wished you did something but feared the outcome may not be positive? Instead, you talked yourself out of it and later regretted what you did or did not do. I have and I’m certain that you too may have experienced such regrettable moments. It could be the fear of losing friendships or someone you thought loved you or the fear of quitting a job that doesn’t make you happy. Sometimes, it is the fear of saying yes to love and commitment or of exploring and charting a new course. Maybe for you, the fear of rejection or failure cripples your mind and makes it crawl back into its shell. But what if you were wrong and it just turned out right? Your fears or concerns may be valid but it shouldn’t stop you from making those possibly life-changing decisions. Okay. You tried several times but failed. But isn’t failure a part of life’s ecosystem? And honestly, failures help us appreciate and celebrate our wins. My poi...
Image credit: Hey, You! I learned one big life lesson this week in what may seem like a random coincidence during my usual daily walks. Now, let me get straight to it. This day, I had decided to include a different and longer route to my plan because it was a Saturday plus I had very little physical activity the day before so I felt, why not do more kilometers today? Sounds like a good plan right? Until I started feeling slight pain in my left hip. So I told myself to slow down. Then I got to a junction on my new route - I was familiar with the road but never really walked through the path in recent times. I kept looking around and marveled at how much had changed in the area in the last 2 years. There were lots of buildings and ongoing construction projects. I smiled and reaffirmed the fact that a lot can indeed happen in a year. Anyways, I remembered that there was a shortcut that would link me faster to my street as opposed to taking another route that...