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Showing posts with the label Entrepreneurship

On the JOURNEY...

You see 👀...  Truth be told, I was thinking I could keep up with a daily post just after the last one you know....with the whole strength, vigor and stimulated "yes,I can!"spirit...Lmao! soon as the week kick started with the new rise in dollar to the review of feedback from clients due to major or tiny flaws in my business process or people issue which, most times gets me furious and super worried! Especially the people issue...OMG! I just DON'T GET IT  😌 ! I once listened to a business audio CD by (cant remember the name) that says YOU are totally responsible for the success and failure of your business. A business is supposed to FREE it's owners to LIVE! I mean, someone is saying I shouldn't blame the people or the process or anything but my self and I should build a business to FREE myself. I mean, I love the idea of that and still in the process of taking all that in, because really blaming others would take you no where but c

The Journey - GENESIS!

Happy new year! Well...maybe the year just started for some of us in February. Lol! Sometimes, life like bees hide you in its 'hive' to hibernate, multiply and bounce back alive at a hit or touch! That's seem to be my scenario and yes, the struggle and hustle were REAL but hey!!! I have missed you guys super much and honestly vow this time too stay in touch and committed. A big thank you for all who chatted, sent emails and reached out to me in my months of 'hibernation' lol! (that meant so much and much appreciated).