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New Year, New You?

Welcome to 2022, yay! So, what are you most thankful for? 

For me, I am most thankful and happy to be alive doing the things that I love and being with the people that I care deeply about. 

You know, it’s ironic how it takes a moment of actual silence and reflection to begin to realize just how good the season that you may have been grumbling and unhappy about was indeed for you. This was my scenario and it took a flash for me to remember and appreciate how the year started and how I have grown and changed so much by the end of the year. 

My top 3 most exciting moments of 2021 were; 

1.     Turning 30.

2.  Holding the hard printed copy of my new children picture book – 'I am Mindful', which will be available to the public for purchase from February 2022.

3.     Overcoming anxiety and self-doubt. To be completely honest and vulnerable to you, this is still a work in progress. I still find myself doubting and nervous sometimes, but now, I am more open to talking about it and I have found comfort in God and friends who remind me constantly of who I am. 

I learnt a few things too; 

1.     Know yourself. I think this is my most valuable gift, the knowledge of self. I have learnt to look inward, search and evaluate myself and in so doing, I have come to love and appreciate myself even more. Self-love is indeed a journey but a highly essential one that we must all strive to embark on. 

2.     Stop hiding. This is still a work in progress but I have worked on my mind and learning to embody my brilliance and step out of the shadows. I am learning to stop being shy and wield the power that I possess to achieve anything I set my mind on. If you are struggling like me, I think you should step out into the light and own your excellence – be your hype man basically and the world will listen!

3.    Love regardless. I have lost some and won some. I have cried and laughed. I have closed my heart and opened it a lot.  I have been wearied and raced. But through all of the moments, I choose love over hate. I choose love always because God is love and love warms my heart, makes it flutter and makes me glow. Now, you know my beauty secret. LOL!

4.   Time is life. I have learnt to express my feelings to people, even if they do not feel the same and honestly, I do not regret it. Life, I believe is too short to hold back something so precious. I learnt to forgive quickly, move on or forward depending on the situation. Most importantly, I am learning to tell the people I care about the most, how much I love them on a daily basis. 

5.    Let go of control. Oh boy, I love control so much that I panic when it seems like I am losing control or at least sight of a situation. I always want to be able to plan or prepare for possible risk responses. The good thing is, on my job it makes me an excellent project manager. The bad thing is, in life, it sometimes makes me a wreck for a while. I have learnt and still learning to identify things within and outside of my control in life.  I have chosen to surrender control of the things I clearly can't handle and manage the ones I can. This has given me peace of mind and it feels good to be unbothered, sometimes. 

I am indeed excited about the great and beautiful things, connections and opportunities this new year has in store for me. I do hope, that a true and everlasting love would be one of them. 

More so, I wish for you to get the desires of your heart according to God’s will and purpose for your life.  

Have a prosperous 2022!




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