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Showing posts with the label Heart

What the HEART wants!

Image Source: Google The heart is such an interesting organ and part of our lives. In fact, when we are down emotionally, we say our hearts hurt. When we lose or break up with a loved one, we say the heart is broken.  This heart is such a rugged 'ride or die' - some sort of bestie that we never knew. You meet someone and it skips, beats, somersaults, LOL😂!  Does yours do some fireworks stunt? Errm, nooo, that is not my type of heart! We know the other buddy of the body that does that😛. Oh, you don’t? I will leave you to figure that out - yourself.  Now, stop smiling and imagining things. Just look at you.  Let’s go back to the heart of this talk.    So, I was saying, you meet someone, you talk, love, and then break up. Then you cry, wail, can’t sleep, you think you will never heal and oh, you make your friends miserable - you need to thank those friends!  Somehow, the heart without telling you finds a way to heal itself, and you the emotional coconut head, meet other people