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Drown Out the Noise


Image credit: iStock

Hey, you!

Sometime last week, during my walk, I had my headphones plugged into my ears as I sang along to one of my all-time favourite songs, ‘Breathe’ by the Nigerian gospel artiste Dunsin Oyekan, on my playlist. 

As I turned to the corner of the road, I dragged in quickly and deeply the fresh air that rushed towards my body while I smiled and spread my arms as I sank my soul into the lyrics. Suddenly as I approached a particular spot, the atmosphere started to change. It had gotten warmer and noisy. No, it wasn’t an episode of what may seem perfect as the introduction of a natural disaster scene in a movie. This one in the current reality contributes to what would become a climate disaster - the loud, vibrating engine and exhaust pipes of the gigantic generator for a corporate firm building. 

I frowned in disappointment as I looked at the building and then the generator as if my frown could tell the owners that they were being irresponsible and inconsiderate to their environment. I wondered how the residents living in the surroundings can cope with the earsplitting noise. Immediately, I noticed that the noise had distracted the peaceful meditation, song, and my walk, then this phrase came to mind - “drown out the noise” as I struggled to reconnect to my previous state of mind. 

Immediately, I took my eyes off the distraction, and kept walking, eyes forward and my mind gradually settling as it tuned back into the song. And as I kept walking away from the noise, it became clear. The air got fresher, and my mind was at ease again.

You see, through this random scenario, I learned a few things that I am happy to share with you. 

  1. On the path to your destination or goal, there will be distractions. You can allow yourself to get carried away or get drowned by the noise, or you choose to filter it and drown it out.
  2. You must guard your heart and mind. Try this by meditating, praying, and listening to soul-lifting music. If your physical world is about to be rocked and turned upside down, the battle starts first with your mind. 
  3. Focus. Don’t get lost in other people’s dreams or lives. Focus and find your path (I learned this part from a Netflix series I recently saw - The Sandman). 

Lastly and more literally, enjoy and bask in the joyous presence of nature. 

If you enjoyed this read, please share the link, and I am always happy to read from you in the comment section!




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