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Hey, You!

I learned one big life lesson this week in what may seem like a random coincidence during my usual daily walks. 

Now, let me get straight to it.

This day, I had decided to include a different and longer route to my plan because it was a Saturday plus I had very little physical activity the day before so I felt, why not do more kilometers today? Sounds like a good plan right? Until I started feeling slight pain in my left hip. So I told myself to slow down. Then I got to a junction on my new route - I was familiar with the road but never really walked through the path in recent times. 

I kept looking around and marveled at how much had changed in the area in the last 2 years. There were lots of buildings and ongoing construction projects. I smiled and reaffirmed the fact that a lot can indeed happen in a year. Anyways, I remembered that there was a shortcut that would link me faster to my street as opposed to taking another route that seemed longer to me. 

As I approached the road that connects to the junction, I noticed it was slightly flooded and the people in front of me had to jump over a narrow plank. My first instinct was to turn back and take the other route in peace before publicly embarrassing myself as I imagined how I would navigate the plank. I had turned but was immediately self-motivated, and I encouraged myself to go back after seeing the distance I would cover walking back to the other junction. So I mumbled to myself, ‘it can’t be that bad. ‘is it not just that small flood’. 

Then I redirected my route toward the flooded road. As I jumped over the first gutter, a car drove past, pushing the water forcefully on the road against the plank. I noticed that the tiny plank tilted a bit from the force of the water. It may have been a slight tilt but my mind imagined much worse as I saw another car approaching. Immediately, I ran back! 

Abegg, I can’t come and injure myself because of a shorter route jare. I began laughing at myself at how I gave up so easily because of fear. I pushed aside that “motivational thoughts” and admitted that I made the right decision. I mean, what if I fell and hurt my hip and ankle? Sha, I kept walking towards the junction, dancing slightly as I continued listening to Mariah Carey’s playlist. The soundtrack for the animated movie, Prince of Egypt featuring Whitney Houston was now playing. 

After a little while, I got to the junction that would have been the place I would have connected to if I had been able to pass through the plank hurdle. I looked up and noticed a gate - a locked gate. Chai! I laughed and imagined how frustrated I would have been if I had gone through all that stress, maybe fallen, and walked up down a stretch to a locked gate. The answer was simple, I would have gone back right to where I was coming from and eventually walked back to the route I eventually took which was slightly longer.

Then I thought to myself, sometimes, not every mission is aborted out of fear. Many times, the shortest route may not always be the best plan for you. What may seem like a long journey or wait can be made enjoyable while “waiting”. 

Lastly, life can teach us immense lessons from random or ordinary events, be mindful and take notes. I knew I had to share this with you and I truly hope that you are encouraged to stay true to your dreams and path! 




  1. It is interesting how life teaches us lessons in random and simple things. Thank you for sharing!


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